I am mostly right.
I work hard.
I try.
I'm better than you.It's not fair to think this way, but I
recognize that I do.
Relative to being bipolar, I do think I try harder than most to get it in gear.
Like everyone, I have my set backs, but when I started this blog
- which has been very therapeutic - my goal was
NEVER to return to March 07 when I was actively contemplating suicide.
How was it that I was becoming worse rather than better?Well, as I see it, I've been self -absorbed.
There is a way to be active in the mental health community without losing myself to the disorder. I need not filter
everything through being bipolar, and it sure as hell isn't an excuse for everything.
I've read books, taken classes, taken online classes, went to therapy, listened to tapes, deleted people from my world, changed thinking, changed patterns of behavior, and I'm really trying to fight.
I have done the work to get where I am. I need to show it.
Truth is, I don't always see that tenacity and fight others
- bipolar and not - and i judge them.
I hate when people waste my time by asking me stupid questions that can easily be revealed online or in a book.
I have bipolar disorder and so every moment must be valued as one to keep me on track. I have no time for nonsense!
But, I admit that I wrongfully view people as lazy, ignorant, whiny, and sometimes plain stupid for not getting things that come easy to me, or that I think they should
simply get.
I realize that no one is like me, but it doesn't stop me from becoming frustrated and judgmental.
I don't like that about me, and so I'm gonna fix it.
That's another thing. I'm proactive. It irks me when people aren't.
So, I'm taking a step back from a lot of things and a lot of people.
I'm gonna do me.
Do what makes me happy, and yes,
STOP WHINING!To Be Continued....