There's something called OCPD?
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder is a condition characterized by a chronic preoccupation with rules, orderliness, and control.
Did you know this?
Individuals with OCPD are rigid perfectionists who believe there is one right way to do things, and any other way is wrong. They will do anything to avoid making an error, which means they have trouble making decisions, since they might make the wrong choices; completing tasks, because the final product might not be perfect; and delegating responsibility, as the persons to whom they assign tasks might not do them perfectly.
Oh, brother!
They come off as judgmental, inflexible, emotionally withholding, stubborn, and lacking in generosity. These qualities, of course, can have devastating effects on personal and workplace relationships.
Do I add this to the list, too?!
While OCD is an anxiety disorder, OCPD is a personality disorder in which seemingly compulsive behavior comes from the perfectionism and rigidity of the person with OCPD, not as a way to alleviate the anxiety caused by obsessions; a better name for the syndrome might be perfectionistic personality disorder.
Most importantly, the person with OCD recognizes that his or her thoughts and behaviors are irrational and excessive. The person with OCPD, believing his or her way of life to be correct, doesn’t perceive a problem and often doesn’t seek help until or unless someone forces the issue.
You've got to be kidding me!
I may be able to ignore that I have bipolar disorder, but OCPD so mirrors me, it might as well be named Butterfly!
See the criteria here.
I suspect that a lot of bipolar have this in one form or another.
Agreed. I have myself been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but this also seems to fit me perfectly.
I also have bipolar and been told i have mild anxiety and ocd, this fits me more than ocd but i have just put it down to i could have many things and that bipolar is the name for multiple disorders, cheer up hun no matter what your diagnosis it doesn't define you as a person!! Its all about how you cope and what's best for you! I have found structure and routines help me more than just a pill, a balanced life makes it easier to cope.
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