Tuesday, October 9, 2007


What is it called?

You know; the thing that makes you do one more push up?

The thing that makes you jog the last 2 minutes of your mile or makes you not take another slice of cake?

What is the thing called that gets you out of bed and to work when you can't stand the job?

What makes you swallow the ill-tasting medicine?

What makes you stay awake during the boring lectures, floss, clean, shower, or not spaz out?

What is it?

Is it the knowledge that what you're doing is in your best interest?

Is it will?

Is it fight?

What the heck is it called?

If I could name it and bottle it, I'd distribute it to everyone with psychological disorders.


Amanda said...

Whatever it is, I'm in great awe of it.

Butterfly said...

I might not even take the time to bottle it. I'll simply have it ready in syringe or capsule form.