Sunday, October 7, 2007

Don't They Get It?

With each passing day, I realize that I'm simply different from other life forms on this planet.

For example, if I'm around other people, when I burp, I burp silently and let it out in slow short puffs so people won't be burdened by the scent. Other people just let it rip.

If I need to fix, fluff or toss my hair, I look around to avoid throwing hair in someone's face. Other people toss freely.

I cover my mouth and nose when I cough and sneeze respectively. Other people permit their germy germs to soar unabashed.

I never clip my nails in public or pop my gum. Other people are clueless to their taboo status.

I'm mindful not to touch communal property after coughing/ sneezing into my hand. Others, touch away!

I am conscious not to talk over someone. Others, interrupt at will.

I never put my feet in chairs that aren't mine, or take my shoes off near other people.

Pick my nose
Scratch my scalp noisily
Pick my nose and flick it
Clean my ear with a match or key
Floss in public
Pick my teeth in public with a straw or business card
Use my finger to clean the corners of my mouth

When I'm talking too much
Too melancholy
Being annoying
When I'm off topic
When no one gets me
When to be quiet

Why didn't other people learn this stuff?

Hmmmm. Such is life, right. I've gotta live on this earth so I guess I cannot permit every little thing to irk me.

1 comment:

Amber Anique said...

My bff once used to spray Lysol around people who did those should try it! "NORMAL PEOPLE" ARE GROSS!!! LMBO!!!