When you're always thinking about yourself, and constantly reminding everyone of your good (gloating) and bad (whining) aspects of your life, you're SELF ABSORBED!
There are people in New Orleans who are still displaced.
There are people living in countries where war is an ever present part of their reality.
There are people living with much worse disorders that I have.
How dare me be self -absorbed?
Me, Me, Me. Look how horrible my life is.
Boo Hoo, I need special attention.
Don't you see how much I hurt.
You just don't understand.
Damn, I'm sick of living like a victim.
I'm sick of pulling the "you don't understand" card. Sometimes it's true, but it has so become a default "whiny-ass" trump card.
It's so unattractive.
You may not agree, but I see it. This disorder has a way of making one so self -absorbed that you become the biggest obstacle in your progress.
Put your bipolar in perspective and count your blessings.
Chronic illness of any kind has a way of doing this to people.
That's normal I guess.
And fighting it is extraordinary. :)
Old post, new comment - Your "You Don't Understand" must be the bip motto, my niece says that phrase in nearly every sentence. Several times. hehehe
Old post, new comment. My niece is bipolar and your "you don't understand" phrase hit a familiar chord... she starts almost every sentence with those words. Thanks for letting me peek into your mind. We're trying to figure out how to get her back on her meds. Stubborn, she is!
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