Friday, October 26, 2007

So Much Stuff!

Isn't it amazing how much stuff you accumulate in an apartment?

I'm packing and realizing that from December (when I moved into my apartment) until now, I've acquired so much stuff!

Ok, it's possibly a lot more than most would keep. I think my OCD also makes me into a packrat.

I have A LOT of magazines.

I'll go through them tonight, but I know what will happen - I'll tear out the pages that I simply must read and therefore can't toss.

Therein in lies the dilema. I won't toss anything because I truly believe I'll need it or want it in the future.

I think I'll have a flea market type sale in my building or use craigslist.

On my list of get-rid-ables:
(2) Four Foot Steel Candle Holders
makeup mirrors
1 Jewelry Case
5 Jewelry Boxes
7 Boxes of Cinammon Incense
3 Tape Measures
At least 25 Books

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I hope you never see the books I have here. Ok, it's my business, but still. Half of them is dead inventory and should have been dumped out long ago.