Have I mentioned that my husband-to-be is also bipolar?
I think it's such a blessing.
Who else can understand a bipolar chick, but a bipolar ...baby rooster? LOL!
He was diagnosed when he was 15 and has been on many of the same medications that I have been on. He is also OCD, but so much more severe than I am. Writing ONE letter is usally done is about 15 takes.
It's all new for him because he never took his diagnosis seriously. His parents sent him to 3 different shrinks, had him briefly committed and gave him random drug tests as a teen, but he felt it was all related to their disapproving of him smoking weed.
I am the one that really got him to see that he's special...like me :-)
Thus far, God is really blessing us. When he is depressed, I am stable (or manic like I am now); and visa v.
I'm very happy, and happy with him. :-)