The last 2 months of my life have been a whirlwind.
To be honest, there were several moments when I wanted to blog, and had the time to blog, but I think I wanted to put distance between me and "being bipolar".
Since moving to Maryland I've been able to ignore symptoms or drown them with house cleaning, adjusting to a new town and impending married life.
Truth is, the change threw me in severe mania.
I noticed it when I hubby -to be told me that I was talking really fast, and A LOT.
Yup, sign numero uno.
Couple that with not sleeping, high irritability, and yup, manic mode.
So that's kinda why I'm back.
Kinda because I realyl missed the interaction with you all, and kinda because I am admitting that I can't do it alone.
I've jotted down the names of some tdocs to see. It will get better. Stay tuned.
This is why I think I loved being a military wife. We were always on the move so I stayed in a constant state of mania during those times. Not a good thing but for me it was a way to avoid the swing down.
Remember this, you have an illness...you are not your illness. I know for me there were times when I don't know if what I feel is the 'true' me or the 'illness'..I'm getting much better at recognizing the differences.
Keeping up with my blog has really helped with this. :)
I'm a 24 year old with bipolar disorder (very well controlled). My boyfriend of 3-years (and most likely husband-to-be) is considering joining the military. What, if any, effect did your military life have on your bipolar disorder. My psychiatrist feels it would be dangerous for me.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as my mate and I need to decide what is best.
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