Have I mentioned that my husband-to-be is also bipolar?
I think it's such a blessing.
Who else can understand a bipolar chick, but a bipolar ...baby rooster? LOL!
He was diagnosed when he was 15 and has been on many of the same medications that I have been on. He is also OCD, but so much more severe than I am. Writing ONE letter is usally done is about 15 takes.
It's all new for him because he never took his diagnosis seriously. His parents sent him to 3 different shrinks, had him briefly committed and gave him random drug tests as a teen, but he felt it was all related to their disapproving of him smoking weed.
I am the one that really got him to see that he's special...like me :-)
Thus far, God is really blessing us. When he is depressed, I am stable (or manic like I am now); and visa v.
I'm very happy, and happy with him. :-)
Welcome back. I'm so happy for both of you. Can't wait to read more... :)
I am so happy for you Butterfly.
I also think you having someone like you is a blessing. Although if you both hit the bottom end of the spectrum at the same time would scare me. But even then just having someone that understands you might help you both out of the funk earlier than by one’s self.
As an aside – that cat looks nuts! LOL.
Later, Ash out…
Do you draw these cartoons?? The reason why I am asking is because my post this morning on The Mood Disorder Network is going to be on art and the mood disordered person. I would love to link over to this if that is okay?
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