Saturday, September 8, 2007

Job & Money, Job & Money

So, after I was banned from my job, I returned to vacation, and things got worse (as they sometimes do before they get better.)

I was accused of threatening to burn down the building.

Yup, I kid you NOT.

The owner called me late one evening and said 3 people were willing to SWEAR that they heard me say it. Ironically, the three people were the GM, his married girlfriend, and an ex-con; all of whom hate me.

If I said, it, I don't recall. It was that point that I realized that the fight simply wasn't worth it.

Go figure. I quit that night on the phone, but the owner (with whom I worked out all the "you're not durable issues), kinda begged to have me stay on.

The result: I work as a consultant from home. PERIOD. I have what I want, and I no longer have the demon's spawn aka GM in my way.

In other news, I started with a new company that also allows me to work from home. I never leave my apartment unless I have an appointment, but of course I leave so I won't slip into February/ March again.

I'm happy with work, I have an opportunity to make lots of money, and THAT is good.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That's fantastic news B! I'm so happy for you. Working from home can be a real blessing...