I went to work in Friday to pick up my check (nope, the company does not have direct deposit).
Not only was my check short $600, but I was also escorted from the building!
I was told that I am NOT permitted in the building as per the GM, and if I had an issue with it, I should contact the owner.
I tried calling the owner, and he didn't take my call.
F*CK Him!
I'm on vacation until Thursday. I'll let them play their hand.
But, Stay Tuned cuz I'm Burning MAD!!!!
Oh no. Sounds like they gave you the slip. :( That's within their rights I suppose, but to cut your pay just like that...inexcusable. Happened to me too. Take care B.
Stay Tuned on this. I'll have an update on Thursday...just in case they somehow monitor this blog. LOL!
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