Saturday, September 8, 2007

They're All Mad, I Tell Ya!

Recall my family blow out and my brother being admitted.

Well, TWO WEEKS after my brother entered the hospital, he was released after promising to take his medicine and giving my parents a guilt trip.

So you know I'm plenty pissed off, right?


1. My brother doesn't get it. 1 day after his release, he stopped taking meds and disappeared again.

2. It STRESSED ME OUT to get him into a GOOD hospital. Based on where he lives, when the police and EMS are called, he must be taken to a state hospital that is absolutely despicable. I had to pull Ocean's 11 -like moves to get him into a better hospital. I can't do that again.

3. Guilt Trip? Are you kidding me? My brother lost 1/2 of his body weight from being too paranoid to eat, and was TALKING TO HIMSELF, and you let him out because he "promised to take his meds"? My brother has NEVER taken his medicine voluntarily.

I'm irked. So irked, they'll deal with it.

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