Remember Sea and how I told you he was dead to me?
Oh, yeah, I meant it for sure; there's no coming back from one of those "your-dead-to-me's" unless you're S. (I recognized soon after my rant that I was in a bip mania rage. More on that later.)
Anyway, I had a photo shoot yesterday at an heliport with a Rolls Royce Phantom. Between the sun and the flash, I missed Sea popping up and staring at me. He had pulled off of the nearby highway when he saw me.
I ignored him and told everyone that I didn't know him, and that he was probably just a fan. LOL! He's dead to me remember?
Then he wants to talk.
About WHAT?
He starts one big cry fest about how I'm his best friend and that I hurt him and that no matter what is said or done, at the end of the day he's there for me, & blah, blah, blah.
Why are you doing this?
This is me?
Whah, Whah, Whah.
I won't even repeat the text contents that lead to his demise. But no, there's no coming back.
I wasn't even angry or upset. I simply told him I'm working and that there was nothing to talk about.
Butterfly you're callous. Whatever happened to forgive?
Oh sure. I forgive him. I forgave him once I recognized that he refused to evolve, and that he suffered from "I-don't-like-to-get-checked-and-so-I-lash-out-to-hurt-you-cuz-it-makes-me-feel-good-itis".
It wasn't just the text, it was his repeated blatant disregard for what was important to me, his unwillingness to fix his deep rooted selfishness, his judgment of me and our mutual friend, his constant "victim" status, his inability to be respectful to anyone he dated, and then the quality of chicks he chose to deal with. YUK!
I simply decided that I no longer wanted to be a spectator at his Rocky Horror Freak Show.
I could go on & on, but he's gotten more than enough of my blog time.
With friends like that, who needs enemies?
So thankful that the length of a friendship doesn't cloud my judgment of what's best for me.
This Sea sounds like a narcisstic fool.
Oh, you don't know the half!
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