Monday, July 28, 2008

Ascribed Meaning

I've always kept/ saved things; things that I then ascribe meaning to.

Like what?

1. An airplane toothpick from my first flight
2. The words to my 8th grade class song
3. My first belly button ring
4. 86+ stuffed animals (each with a name)
5. EVERY movie ticket
6. Newspapers from each birthday

I don't know why I keep them, but I do know that I HATE for them to be touched or to be lost. They become a part of me to the extent that it's hard to part with them.

So, I've been thinking about a tattoo a lot lately.

Why? It's permanent and the ultimate momento. Still, after 13 years of thinking about a tattoo, I've finally decided where I'd want it - my wrist.

The dilemma is now the what. What do I put?

I originally wanted to have the word "Selah". It's pretty and I love the meaning of it.

Then I thought about my husband's name. He is without a doubt the most significant person in my life. I'd place his name, but he won't let me. Yeah, a tattoo is very permanent. It's not like body jewelry; it's forever. Well, maybe that's what I want; it's something that will have meaning, and something that can never be taken away from me or lost in a hurricane.

You know what? This ascribed meaning stuff is probably about control.


Each time I stop blogging, I soon learn how important it is for me.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Never thought about it that way. You have a point there.