Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Hair!

OMG! I have hair... A LOT of HAIR.

I couple years ago I introduced wigs into my worlds. It started when I worked as a model for hair magazines. I wore wigs for the magazine and it was soooo easy. Also I HATED the damage done to MY hair when I modeled. Wigs are so easy.

So with that said, I haven't "worn" MY hair since 2004. Well, I washed my hair today and actually took the time to blow dry it, and OMG my hair is in the middle of my back!

My hair must grow with dirt cuz I sure as hell haven't touched it. I may wash it every other month (gross, I know, but I keep changing my wig caps, so it really hasn't been stinky. LMBO!

Hmmm, I'm thinking about returning to my hair.


I recognize that I hide behind my wigs. When I am feeling crappy, not pretty, or like acne has taken up residence on my face, I wear a big poofy wig to hide. I can't hide when my hair is in a pony tail.

I think I'm going to do it - one week with my hair, off my face.

Introducing.... Butterfly.

Gratitude Moment: Thankful that I recognize areas of my life that still need work.


Amanda said...

I bet your hair looks great!

Unknown said...

I would love to my hide my hair under a wig till it grows out. Is there any brand that looks and feels natural that you would recomment?