Sunday, April 13, 2008

More on Work

So I didn't take the job and didn't think twice about it.

Hubby had an interesting idea: be a consultant for what I know and do well.

Yes! I drafted a proposal and sent it to a couple companies, and my week is filled with meetings!

The 9-5 work day isn't for me. I've tried it and tried it and it doesn't work for me. I can't sit still, my concentration leaves me and I becomes a problem for the company. I won't go through that again.

The company that wanted me to work for them is a franchise. The company I worked with in NYC was also a franchise. So, I started thinking: maybe we should get a franchise. We would get the national marketing and established branding that comes with the franchise, but the ability to tailor daily operations to our values.

Two sites to check out if you're interested:
US Franchise


Amanda said...

Most of the people who remain in business after the magical cut-off point of 5-years are usually in a good franchise of sorts.

Kass said...

Congrats and good luck!