Saturday, April 26, 2008

May is Mental Health Month

I know that there are NAMI Walks happening around the country.

I want to participate in one -either in MD or NYC.

Not sure how I'm gonna raise awareness, but trust me, I'm gonna find a way.

P.S. I've been thinking about "outing myself" on this blog. I said THINKING.

Gratitude Moment: Thankful that I am growing less ashamed of my illness each day.


jennifer said...

I wrote an email to some newspaper reporters about borderline personality disorder in hopes they'd do a story about the disorder in May. May is also BPD Awareness Month, so it goes with both that and Mental Health Month.

Amanda said...

I'm no longer ashamed of it, but I still fear that coming out would only give nasty people ammunition to hurt me. I wish I didn't feel this way.