Sunday, April 13, 2008

I Punish Myself Part 2

My hubby is the most perfect man for me. He understands me and knows me like none other. It blows my mind how intuitive, perceptive, and wise he is. He also has this amazing ability to get to "what's really going on" with me.

Ok, so here's what he told me today, it blew my mind:

"Baby, your way of handling the stress associated with inactivity, procrastination and mistakes is to punish yourself. You punish yourself, thinking that you will learn from your error, but you don't. You're not learning because you keep doing what you don't want to do. You make yourself feel better by punishing yourself. You need to start replacing your punishment with a proactive step toward getting you back on the right track."


How awesome is he!?!?!?

He's right.

Punishing myself makes me feel better in the moment, but it ultimately makes me feel worse about it because I'm not modifying behavior.

For example, I was supposed to send a fax to our phone company last Wednesday. When hubby reminded my about it, I felt bad (I should have remembered. I'm supposed to be perfect, remember.) So to teach myself a lesson, the plan was to go without food. Hubby caught me right as I was thinking the thought, and helped me replace it.

Instead of punishing myself by going without food, we would right the letter together. :-)

Hubby also is helping me to reprogram all the negative voices in my head.

Gratitude Moment: I'm thankful that God gave me the most perfect man for ME.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Amen. I'm so happy for you B!
