Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Trading Places

I'm really trying. If there is one thing that has been consistent with me through my bipolar challenges is an earnest desire to improve not only my mood, but my life as a whole.

Lately I've noticed that I've been trading unhealthy outlets. For example, instead of overeating or under eating, I purchase "must read" books.

If I'm not purchasing books, then I've gotta buy something. There are so many things to buy! Have you noticed that? There's so much stuff everywhere!

Western society is so empty. We place so much emphasis on stuff. I so wanna scale down.

But I digress.

I am trying to be aware of when I might be trading one addiction for another. I am very self -aware. Maybe to the point of being what society calls narcissistic, but if I'm happy (and hubby is happy) I could care less about labels!

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