Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stupid Ipod!

I'm trying....HARD.

I do pretty good most days. When I'm good, I'm GREAT. When I'm Bad, I'm a HELLION!

I need to get a new Ipod. I bought the Ipod mini when they first came out. They were later discontinued because THEY SUCK!

I bought it 3 years ago, and it works great when connected to the in-car charger. I really do get to drive to all my favorite tunes. But then I try to get on the treadmill and it has the life of a 98 year old man!

I was so ready to workout and then POOF, it shuts off. GEEEEEZ!

So I threw it across the room. It was early in the morning, so no one really saw my tantrum. (Thank God! I was so ashamed later.)

Note to self: get an Ipod from craigslist with some Bose headphones. I can't justify paying $200 for a brand new one, and the shuffle thing is such a tease.

Spring/ Summer is coming. I need to go walking, and I sure as heck can't do it with a old geezer of an Ipod!

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