Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sleep Tight

NO, it's too expensive!

Hubby and I are going back and forth on getting a new bed.

In my quest to rule out root causes of symptoms, hubby wants us to get a Temperpedic bed.

These beds are $7,000 and that doesn't even include the warranty!

Heck NO!

Hubby seems to think that our sleep is worth the money. I'd like to say that I was able to convince him to let it go, but I can't. So I'm trying to find some alternatives. We do know that we want a memory foam mattress. We simply need to decide on what brand and how much to spend.

For $7,000, the bed needs to make itself, wash it's own linens, always smell like lavender and be fresh-outta-the-dryer warm!

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