Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Is just a meditation of my heart
Pure and conscious thought
Be overstanding and be smart
Listen to the children speak the word
And shine the light in the dark

Simplicity me use to survive
Many find it difficult because they ignorant and die
Simplicity me use to survive
Do what you doing properly...that's the way through life

Simplicity By Sizzla

These words kinda represent where I am in my life right now. The Western way of life revolves around excess, to gather and to have stuff; lots of stuff whether you're using it and wearing it or not.

There are people in our neighborhood in need of the clothes, shoes, dvd players or curtains collecting dust in our home, and so we're gonna give big Oprah-style!

So hubby and I are seeking simplicity. We are downsizing in as many ways as possible. Our plan is to get rid of everything that we aren't using, put the rest in storage, and then take a cross country road trip in one of those RV travel trailers thingys.

I love driving, and so does my husband, so it's perfect!

All duplicates go! Anything we haven't used in 6 montnhs, GONE!

We're gonna make it hapen. But first, we're selling our house. Stay tuned!

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