With that said, I got a couple looooong responses to my Stop Whining, Start Living post, and I LOVED them.
I'm gonna try to clarify my thoughts in two posts. After reading it and based on how my week has been, I think I was a bit racy when I wrote.
First, I wasn't siding with Schlesinger as much as I was proffering an alternate angle to the situation.
Obviously Spitz is a selfish jerk for disrespecting his wife and family, and for being so arrogant that he felt he wouldn't get caught.
So, let's go to the day, week, month, year before the news broke. What was their marriage like?
Everything could have been wonderful! Or, it could have been marred by indiscretion, arguments, physical abuse, boredom, zero intimacy. Even if it wasn't perfect, that wasn't reason for his cheating.
Hmmm, where was I going with this?
Oh, if his actions were so deplorable, why the heck did she stand by his side? What to try to work it out now, after the
Gimmie a break! Why do people -men and women- wait until their marriages publicly crumble to do something about it?
What am I faulting Spitz's wife for?
I fault her for standing at his side in support after he disrespected her with a $5k whore. I fault her for not paying closer attention to finances. Yeah, $5k may be $5 to them, but he spent $80k on this chick. He took $80k that could be used for his children and invested them in a tramp! How/ why did you not notice?
Don't tell me there weren't clues.
I fault her for selling out. What she really wanted to do was set him on fire! Or maybe like many other women she likes playing the "victim-I-can't-do-anything-about-it-as-long-as-he-takes-care-of-the-girls role".
What did she do? She plays the "noble governor's wife" role for the sake of who? Him? I'm disgusted!
How about using public affair is grounds for divorce, get rid of him, collect the alimony and child support and get another man?
Gimmie a break!
I can only imagine how low her self -esteem has sunk. And then to see that chick that he “requested” is a babe; I would need to be propped on a stick in order to stand at my husband’s side.
Stay Tuned: Preserve Your Sexy
I respect your passion about this topic and I do agree with you.
Politicians have been cheating on their wives since the 1800's, yes the 1800's. I just read something in my History class about this.
This certainly doesn't make it right, but it has been around forever.
The wife "Standing by her Man." Do you remember the shooting of "Mary Jo Buttafuco?" She was shot in the head by her husband's Mistress. And for nearly 25 years she stood by his side!!
Why women do the things they do when it comes to their man is beyond me. I guess they have their reasons.
As we all know, marriage is sacred between the couple whether it is right or wrong. I guess these women have their reasons. Who knows?
I wouldn't stand by no man that did that to me. I would hunt them down myself and cut their balls off.
I agree with the responses on the other post, they said it much better than I ever could.
It all boils down to an individual belief of right and wrong. Nobody can make a person do something they feel is wrong, so obviously people who cheat must think it's ok...for them. Then there's people who have every excuse to cheat but don't.
It's hard to go against one's inner moral code, and if it isn't then it is part of that code.
Same goes for the women and men who stay with the cheater. There's as many reasons for doing so, as there are people who do it. Some people, like me, are pursuing a goal that's far more important to them than divorce.
Inner Moral Code- I like that. This is exactly what's missing from our society today.
Everything is seemingly for sale, and vows are suggestions.
I fear the decline in our inner moral code more than I fear the economy :-)
LOL...I get ya. Me too. Sometimes I think the only way people were able to get through the Great Depression, in more or less one piece, was because they used to have strong convictions.
I wish I could say I was born with one too but I actually started building mine @ 24.
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