Thursday, February 21, 2008

Butterfly Goes to the Doctor - Allergist

My side effects with medicines extend past Day/ NyQuil and Sudafed. It includes Aspirin, Tylenol, Codeine, Ibuprofen, etc.

Also, out of the blue, my throat staring closing after having shrimp, crab and lobster!

WHAT!? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

So that got me thinking: Am I suppose to trade being pain-free for itchy?

Surely you jest!

Next stop: The Allergist.

I need to know what I;m allergic to. I did it for household things like cats, mites, ragweed, but I totally forgot about doing it for medicine!

So, back to NYC to see the allergist.

There were so many things I had to be tested for that they divided them into two sessions.

Results: Allergies to nuts, bananas, mangos, wheat, barley, white and kidney beans and a host of other things. Good news: I already knew this. No surprise here.

I was also given a twinject in the event of an allergic reaction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am allergic to seafood as well. Be careful! Don't try any unknown dips! When you go to a restuarant that serves seafood tell the waiter to let the cook know. I had a bad reaction one time when crab juice dripped onto my salad.

Your right it is a bummer!