Saturday, January 26, 2008

Side Effects Suck

Ive been taking my asthma inhaler to prevent my cold symptoms from getting any worse. (That's usually what doc's recommend, and it works.)

So, now I am as Jittery as a .....hmmm, what's jittery?

Well, whatever is jittery, that's how I feel.

So in addition to the hives that cover my joints, hands, upper things and butt (how attractive), I have a sinus headache, I'm jittery, and slightly manic.

Side effects -So not worth it to me.

Hubby loves me and my hive-y parts.
I love him.


Anonymous said...

You sound like you have a great husband:-)

Amanda said...

I love these little marital side-effects. :)

Hope you feel better soon, B.