As I mentioned, I went to Special Care Spa today and the amazing esthetician all gave me a list of self-love rituals to post on my mirror.
I won't give all of them, you'll have to check out her website and email her, but I wanted to give you the ones I am gonna be working on ASAP a well as the other components to my "Operation Back to Basics".
Self-Love Rituals
* 5 fruits, 5 vegetables, 5 grains, 8 glasses of water
* Organize time and include self on a schedule
* Take time for prayer and meditation
* Get a hobby other than the gym
My Additions
* Identify stressors and eliminate them
* 4 Colonics
* Fiber Supplement
* Daily Vitamin
So many of these are a "duh", but if it's not in practice, then it's pointless. I'm gonna do it and I'm sure my insomnia will get better.
Those are good rituals. Can't go wrong with doing that. Love the picture!
Happy eating! I hope the insomnia gets better too. It stinks not being able to sleep.
Those sound like good ideas. I hope you are successful with them.
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