I've been thinking a lot lately about buying a bottle of wine. You know; just to keep in the house.
I've passed several wine/ spirit stores, and drive by and stare at ads. I see cheap bottles in grocery stores, and in one part of my head it's a good idea.
Maybe I've watched too many episodes of Sex and the City or contemporary TV, period. Seems, like everything on TV is about relaxing with a glass of wine or "taking the edge off" with some Chardonnay.
It all seems glamorous on TV.
But in the other side of my head I know that I already have an OCD personality, and I'm pretty sure that addictive tendencies are also included in that mix.
So, no, I'm not gonna buy any, have any, or keep it in the house.
I'm not gonna buy any, have any, or keep it in the house
Good for you. Of course I think about doing this too, but what I have right now is so precious to me, I'd hate to give it up for short-lived euphoria.
Don't do it. I have a full liquor cabinet for entertaining, and hubby has to keep it locked. The only time I drink is socially, but if I start drinking at home it will become a habit.
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