Can you believe that I'm 30 and I'm only now figuring it out?
I feel it, and know what it looks like, but most importantly, I feel like I finally have a road map on how to be a "woman".
I'd hear Oprah talk about being "your most authentic self", and I've always desired to be such a woman. I read books, took seminars, wrote in my journal and jumped on every bandwagon head for "self-improvement land".
I sought and sought, and by golly, I finally get it.
Womanhood is where I'm finally comfortable in my skin. It's when I accept and love myself flaws and all, and when I am happy with my life even if nothing ever changed.
It's when I can be honest with myself even if it means admitting failure, imperfections, fear or stubbornness. It's being honest with myself when it means making tough decisions and having tough conversations.
Womanhood is when I make good decisions. When I can look at my life honestly, and not only desire improvement, but take the steps necessary to achieve it.
Guess what?
I've long been afraid of sounding "stupid". You know, those cricket moments.
Well, sometimes my thoughts are extremely conservative or extremely liberal or supernatural. In fact, much of how I live my life is not based on fact or research, but entirely on how I hear God speak to me. (Yes, I know.) Well, for these reasons, I diminished my thoughts, dumbed down and silenced my voice.
I have something to say (ACTUALLY, A LOT TO SAY), and I WILL say it! Even if people think my thoughts are the wackiest and craziest thing they've ever heard, no one will extinguish my voice ever again! No one will dismiss me!
I accept responsibility for what I say, and I am unapologetic for what you hear.
No more sugar coating. Truth is truth. There are rights and wrongs.
This is where I am.
I am a woman, not because I got married, but because for the first time, I am totally honest with myself. This new honesty starts with me, awareness of my limitations and extends to my marriage, friendships, career, etc.
I wanted to feel better about myself, and so I DID better. I have taken the steps necessary to be my best, most authentic self, and I place my happiness, comfort and peace-as well as that of my husband-above everyone.
What's my point?
I feel good, and am unapologetically a WOMAN!
(Photo Courtesy of Vision)
1 comment:
I accept responsibility for what I say, and I am unapologetic for what you hear.
Can I steal that? Properly attributed of course?
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