Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I've Got You Pegged!


You're a Time Waster!
A Run-on Conversation Hogger!
A Negaholic!
A Perpetual Victim!
A Kill Joy!
A Self-Absorbed User!
A Loser!
A Jerk!
A Materialistic Glob of Matter!
A Fake!
A Know-it-all!
A Cottenheadedninnymuggins!

Oh, Butterfly, such language!

Yes, but now that I've got 'em pegged, I can class and treat them accordingly.

Don't you see? It's all about being honest with myself, my likes/ dislikes, wants/ needs and limitations.

How do I find time to exercise each day?
Stay away time waster!

How do I have more time to talk to people I like?
Stay away from the Run-on Conversation Hogger!

How do I reduce my depression?
Stay away from the Perpetual Victim, Negaholic and Kill Joy!

Once I recognize the role someone plays or does not play in my peace and serenity, I am THE DUNGEON MASTER in control!

To be in control; what a great feeling!

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