Sunday, January 6, 2008

Baby, Don't Be Afraid of Change

Spent much of the day talking with hubby about the next steps of my career, and we made a "To Do" list for getting my head shots, taking new photos, and reaching out to agents and working out.

I was naming photographers, makeup artists, stylists, etc that I could work with when he paused me and said, "Baby, why not work with someone new?"

I knew what was coming....He was about to drop an inspirational thought provoking BOMB!

"If these people were capable and had the skills to motivate you and to propel you to personal and professional success, they would have. But they didn't. When you weren't at your best, "your friends" took your money anyway. Baby, don't be afraid of change. Pick some new people."

Wow. He's right. Old contacts see me as who I was, dysfunctional and unable to follow through. Their opinions are tainted. I've made so much progress in the last year that being surrounded by old people is a set back.

A new crew is perfect for a new start.

Hubby sees me as a superstar; not in spite of my challenges with bipolar disorder, but with and because of them.

He's my number 1 fan.

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