Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What's Your Problem?

Are you "mentally ill?"

Do you have a "chronic illness?"

Do you have a "psychological disorder?"

Do you have a "chemical imbalance?"

What's your problem?

I say this tongue in cheek of course, but only to draw our attention to how our words shape our behavior.

Bipolar disorder is a chemical deficiency that affects you psychologically. The deficiency of chemical transmitters leads to unpredictable mood swings ranging from depressive symptoms to manic symptoms.

It is NOT a terminal or chronic illness.

When I hear "chronic illness", I think of cancer that has spread throughout the body. I am not that, nor will I live thinking that there is something "wrong" with me or that there is a disease invading my body.

There's nothing wrong with me.

Some people have extra fingers or webbed feet.

I have low chemical levels.

Some people have a third nipple or cleft lip, my moods experience tremendous highs and lows.

Some people swallow 20/day or inject insulin; I monitor my stress, pray, journal, read motivational books and stay positive.

There's nothing "wrong" with me. I was simply dealt different cards.

What were you dealt?


ashmc2 said...

I wish my wife had a third nipple – I would name it winkie and show it as much attention as the others to let it know it is loved!!! Of course I’m a breastman. LOL.

Nice post. Now WE just need to believe it, always.

Later, Ash out…

Butterfly said...


It's good to know that you wouldn't discriminate against the odd nipple.

Bipolarchick said...

LOL, I know 2 chicks with a third nipple.

But anyway, I love the way you elaborated on bipolar disorder.