Monday, August 20, 2007

Wus Honor?

The 5th Commandment:
"Honor Your Father and Mother so that your days may be long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.” (Exodus 20:12 NRSV)

What the heck is honor?

- Respect, esteem, concern for, affection, love, consideration, appreciation, nurture, forgiveness; to hold in honor or high respect; revere; show a courteous regard for

What if I am incapable of doing any of this to my mother?

Then what?


Amanda said...

We can honor them without inhaling their toxicity.

Define honor: Keeping your own ground in a respectful manner.

"I'm very sorry mother, I don't want to talk about this further. Goodbye." [click]

Butterfly said...

You're so right.

My mother is a trigger for me; a HUGE trigger.

Gonna stay away and totally alter the way I interact with her, if I do at all.


Amber Anique said...

Do what I do...STAY AWAY!!
In my opinion, staying away in this instance IS RESPECT & HONOR!
Just because she is your mother, doesn't mean that you have to be there!
I respect my mother so much to the point that I stay away from her, otherwise...I'd so screw up my ticket to heaven!