I did it!
I got angry about being sick and I did something about it. I went to the doctor!
I saw a nice lady doctor who just had a baby named Ian. She was really nice, and I think I'm gonna give her the title of primary care physician.
So she sent in this girl from Senegal who looked SO much like me It was kinda weird. Anyway, I had the EKG and my heart is normal. I did the breath test and my lungs are clear, and I'll have the results of my blood tests by the end of the week!
Yup, I had an injection! Me, Butterfly, willingly let someone put a needle in my arm!
Beyonce sang to me through the whole ordeal (I wore my ipod during the shot to help me relax).
I then saw the gastroenterologist. Seems like I have an esophageal tear. Yup. I feel better but just to be sure, no spicy, acidic or burny type foods/ beverages for a while.
I looked fear in the eyes and came out ALIVE!
Next stop allergist, and could it be: the DENTIST?
I'm sorry you're going through this right now and I hope you get well soon, but I'm also glad you went to the doc. Kudos!
The toughest part was the injection, but I've shifted my perspective on all of it, so it's getting easier.
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