Monday, July 23, 2007

Are You Busy?

Well busy doing what?

I bet at least half of your time is spent doing something that doesn't enhance your life in any way.

Take away work, church, kids, eating, sleeping and poo.

What's left?

I bet a big pile of WASTED TIME.

Too often we equate being busy with being productive. They're not synonymous.

I can be busy surfing the Internet for knock knock jokes, but that's not productive.

Hanging out with friends will keep me busy, but is it productive and does it actively contribute to the change I want to see in my life?

My point: When you want change in your life, you've gotta get desperate for it. You've got to want it like you want air.

You want change, don't you?

Well, delete all the things and people that keep you busy, but that aren't productive. Take the new found time and channel it right back into yourself!

The time taken to read a romance novel, walk to get Swedish fish, or have a 5hr long shoot-the-shit conversation could be spent meditating, journaling, reading a self help book, or programing your cell phone to alarm 5 minutes prior to when you should take your meds.

Get desperate about change.

Be the change TODAY that you want to see TOMORROW.


Amanda said...

Get desperate about change.

That's such a great motto. The only time most people can effect change is when we feel desperate about it.

Butterfly said...

If I had my way, we'd all live in a nice gated community with a beach, pool, central air, gardens amd no stress.

I'm pleased that I motivate an encourage you because you do the same for me.