Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Why Won't You Pay Up?

So here's the lesson:
Never Give or Loan Money that You Expect to Have Returned.

In May I gave this heifer $50 to get jewelry for me when she went to Central/ South America - one of those places.

A month later I still didn't have SHIT!

She came to me on the 32-ish day to apologize for the delay and to say she'd give me the jewelry & money.

It's 2 1/2 months later, and BITCH BETTER HAVE MY MONEY come the August 3rd pay day!

[Violins On]
Yeah yeah, one could argue that its only $50 and she probably needed the money more that I do.
[Violins Off]

Ok, you may have a point, but its principle. She STOLE money, used it for purposes unintended. That's FRAUD!

FINE, ok, I'll think about it, but I'm still annoyed.

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