When are you gonna stop whining and complaining, making excuses and moaning?
When are you gonna stop being the victim and martyr and bitching about how wrong life has been to you?
When are you gonna stop waiting for someone to help you, baby you, pamper you, clean up your mess, dust you off, shine you up and give a damn?
When are you gonna stop making excuses, stop settling for sub par, mediocre and second best?
When are you gonna finish what you start, put forth some effort and actually try to change your life?
Aren't you sick of being sick?
Aren't you sick of being tired?
Aren't you sick of being sick and tired?
Don't you remember what your life was like?
Don't you remember being happy, independent and free?
Don't you miss that?
So when the hell are you gonna get ANGRY enough to actually fight to gain it back?
Who the hell do you think you are?
Why should life go easy on you?
Why do you think you shouldn't have to fight?
Why do you think your suffering has been too much?
Why do you need a break?
Why should people feel sorry for you?
Why should we give a damn about you if you're not giving enough of a consistent damn about yourself?
STOP the whining!
STOP the complaining!
STOP the bitching!
STOP the fussing, moaning and crying!
You want you life to change, don't you?
Then do something about it!
Why should YOU have life easy?
Why should YOU receive without effort?
You're not trying, You're LAZY!
You feel your entitled to what you haven't worked for.
Truth is, you're a THIEF! Only thieves want what they don't have.
You're a THIEF!
If you put 1/4 of your bitching, fussing and snotting to feeling better, you probably would!
But here's another truth, I DON'T think you want to feel better because then you won't have an excuse to fall back on.
I can't do it cuz I'm not on meds.
I can't go because my mind is racing.
I can't do it because I have a condition.
He'll, everyone has a muthafuckin condition! You're just a lazy-ass thief!
Yup, I said it, and what!?
I'd say prove me wrong, but you'd probably make an excuse about why you can't.
Its a full moon.
People don't like me.
I can't trust anyone.
I need help.
I need support.
I need someone to monitor my moods.
I'm no good by myself.
I can't do it alone.
You know what you are?
A Cottonheadedninnymuggins!
An Excuse-maker!
Why don't you a man up?
Stop running from success, responsibility and accountability.
Stop expecting special treatment because you have a condition.
You're not special.
You know what?
You're just gonna be another person to die without having showed the world your creative genius!
Start digging the hole.
This is a letter to me, if it applies to you, then its for you, too.)

It applies to me too. Anger is not always negative. It can give me the energy to dig myself out of the hole if I let it.
Yesterday I realized that I can't change somethings about my life right now, but there are other things that I can change by getting really angry.
So I did. I'm really angry right now.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Well, even though you said that was a letter to yourself, it definitely felt like one to me, and I thank you for writing it.
I just graduated art school, and I'm stuck in this rut of being absolutely terrified of actually sending my portfolio out or producing new art without having someone there to tell me how to do it (teachers and such). I know I'm capable, I'm just scared.
I think I'm going to print your post and keep it close- it really did get me thinking. I know I'm talented, why would I not try to share that and build on that?
I enjoyed your other posts too, this one just really struck a chord. I just started a new blog... I'm trying to get added to the bipolarplanet ring, but haven't heard back yet. Either way, I'll be sure to come back and read yours again sometime soon :)
Thank you all so much for your feedback.
When I was writing this, I had eyes squinting in a self -scolding sorta way.
I so needed this, and I will read it often, too!
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