Thursday, July 5, 2007

Don't You OWE Me Money?!

If there is anything I hate, it's asking for money!

I hate raffles, I hate sales, I hate loaning people money, etc.

I don't even ask people I date for money. After the initial telling, they should just know what I need and give it to me. (Of course people forget from time to time, but exceptions are made.)

For example, when whomever I'm dating asks me what I'm doing for the day and I reply "hair, mani and pedi", his next question should be (and has always been) "how much do you need to get it all done plus tip."

He's awesome, but that's another post.

So, I gave a girl $50 to bring me jewelry from another country.

I did this on May 17th. Why is it July 5th and I haven't received jewelry or my money back?

I brought this up to the guy I'm dating this morning, and he said that if she's a decent person, she feels worse than I do.

Damn, he's always right.

The girl came to me today and apologized for the delay in getting the jewelry to me. She even said some of the things were so inexpensive that she'll give them to me as a gift AND give me my money back!

Hmmmm, she was already tarred, feathered and crucified in my brain, and now I feel like a big ole meany.

Wait, no. She should have came to me. She deserve to be my brain.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Yup, that was really wise of DD. I've made similar experience with my customers. But I'm a lot happier when they warn me of a delay up front instead of telling me afterwards.