Thursday, July 5, 2007

What's With THAT Ring?

So speaking of engagement rings, what's with the friendship rings that I keep seeing?

I'm referring to the minute size of the engagement rings that I keep seeing.

Would I purchase a glitter -sized diamond for myself?

Hell NO!

So, why the hell would I permit someone to present me with a ring I can't see?

Again, this isn't life for everyone, but for the Butterfly, friendship rings will NEVER get you a "yes".

Well, its the thought that counts, right?


Well, how about thinking about me a little bit more, saving the 3 months pay and getting me something that doesn't scream "6th grade do-you-like-me-circle-yes-or-no"!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Between you and I, I don't care if it was cheap but it better not look cheap.