So there's this girl at work who is also a body builder.
I wasn't a fan of hers when we met initially, but we evolved. We became friendly, have conversations about The Secret, and I even bought her a couple books. I've made cd's of meditation music etc for her, and she me. So for all intents and purposes, I guess we were friends.
On June 9th she participated in a swimsuit contest and won. The planners (who I work with) stated the winner would receive $500. She won. Her plan was to use the money toward a $800 body building swimsuit for her competition next week.
Its July 5th, she hasn't received the money to date.
I had a tough day, and before this bitch says hi, she asked if while I was meeting withthe owner, if I asked about her money.
I said no. I was in a heated meeting and she was not on my mind.
Her reply: You know what butterfly, sometimes I feel that your friendliness isn't genuine."
Well, how's this: "I don't want you exposed to my unfriendly ass, so stay the fuck away from me."
This is the same chick who told me that any unwanted attention I get from men is my fault for dressing the way I do.
Oh no she didn't!
Yes she did!
She's a fucking morman with breast implants that parades on a stage in a thong, but her swimsuits are for "sport", mine as a model are "slutty"?
Kiss my ass with your man faced scunt!
You know what?
I'm not even angry any more. She just another chick who's insecure with herself, and jealous of everything that makes me, me.
Do I care to speak 2 her again?
Not even a smidge. Her role in my life is over.
Sounds to me like her friendliness was the thing that was Disingenuous.
I'm a very frank person. When someone says something that is disrepectful to me I call them on it right there. Sometimes they say sorry and truly didn't mean it the way it came out. Issue resolved, friendship ensues. If they don't have a Legitimate reason for their comment and disrespect and are unwilling to make it right, they die in my eyes. But I give them a chance to resolve the issue, if they don't I tell them to fuck off and I never deal with them again. By doing this, quite often I have found that I misread what they meant and all is well again. I over-analyze too much sometimes. But ultimately you have to face any issues in your life and not ruminate on them, it will make you a bitter person.
And with all that said - I still say fuck her - me personally, I do it to their face right then. But hey, that is why people say I'm a high-strung asshole.
Later, Ash out.
Oh hell yeah!
Fuck her for real!
I hate dealing with such folks. It takes all I have not to say, "Look bitch, I've gotten over myself. Now get over yours."
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