Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Back to Modeling?

Yesterday while at work a yoga instructor mildly lectured me about not following my passion.

She said that everyone on the job could see that working at my company was far below my expertise and not where I needed to be.

She then encouraged me to define myself. For example, she teaches yoga and ballet, but her passion is singing jazz. She defines herself as a jazz singer that just happens to be an amazing yoga and ballet instructor.

So, how do I define myself?

Am I model that can act and just happens to be amazing with PR?

Am I a writer who just happens to be a great model and actress?

Am I an actress who was a model in the past and just happens to be an amazing writer?

Which came first?

Her answer: Butterfly, follow your bliss.

I like writing.
I like being on the stage.
I like the runway.
i like all things makeup, fashion.
I love television.
I love expression and communication.

There are so many things I can do. How do I pick just one?

Must I pick one?

Where does money come into play? Some of these will make me much more money than the others. Then what?

I think I'll take her to lunch and pick her brain.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Pick one that has as many of your listed likes as possible. There's a reason why some models write books and act in movies. ;)