Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How Do I Learn to Work?

I realized today that I don't know how to work.

It's true.

I've never had a "regular" job - model, actress, tv host, radio dj, talent agent/ scout, writer, etc.

When I did have a kinda regular job - sales - I received special treatment. I've mostly had male bosses, and they let me do whatever I want. When I did have female bosses, I quit when they irked my nerves.

I've never learned how to "suck it up" at a job, or how to "shut up and do what I'm told."

I realized today that I have come to expect preferential treatment simply because of who I am.

The GM told me I must do what he says, and I laughed.

A = GM;
B = Employee
C = Me

If A manages B, and C=B, then A manages C.

Makes sense, but something gets lost in translation; in my head it doesn't apply to me.

Wikipedia states that an employee is "A person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written, where the employer has the power or right to control and direct the employee in the material details of how the work is to be performed."

Again, I get it, but I don't get it.

I spoke with the owner; told him about my horrible potty mouth and how I spazzed out.

His reply: "You were honest and got a lot of things off your chest. I am committed to you being with the company and being happy. Tomorrow will be a new day, a better day. Get some rest and we'll chat tomorrow."


This is why I act like a brat at work. I get to run to the owner whenever I want. Still, there are no immediate consequences for my actions.

Not that I think i should be punished, but now that I know that I am a workplace brat, how do I fix it?

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