I knew the GM would never speak to me, and so I picked a fight.
I walked into his office.
"What the hell is your problem with me?"
He fired back, and to be honest I don't remember what I said or what I did. I know that I cursed, threatened, spazzed out, got everything off my chest, and he got animated and agitated enough to try to leave.
Damn, I knew that I should have stayed away. I was headed home, and made a trip just to strategize on how to be an effective bitch.
I'm really disappointed in me.
The good?
He agreed to stay away from me, not speak to me at all unless necessary.
Not sure what to be thankful for, so how about being able to write on blogger with no judgments.
It's really good to let it all out sometimes.
So true. Can't keep it bottled in.
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