I received this shit in an email:
"There is NO remission. You may feel fine now, but your bipolar will return. Are you even bipolar?"
If you have bipolar I'm sorry that things are rough for you right now, but I refuse to be made to feel guilty for feeling great.
Before you judge me, try doing what I've done, or try to find out what works for you. I guarantee you that your peace of mind won't be found in JUDGING ME!
I'm doing what works for me, and I AIN'T APOLOGIZING!
Who said it?
I'm trying to get through just like you.
And yes, I am being harsh because having bipolar is NEVER an excuse to act like a muthaf*cking asshole!
You feel like shit because you take the time to send me shit like this!
Kiss my ass and never send me shit like this again!
That's sucks. WTF's wrong with people?
Even if "it" does come back, and it certainly doesn't have to, the work you do now will help you cope much better than before.
PS. For a long time I thought I (and my father) were the only ones determined to do this without meds, but now I found several other bloggers who feel the same about it. I guess I have to learn to take the good with the bad.
One way isn't better than the other; it's an individual choice. Fortunately, I haven't had a desire or need to take my left over meds b/c I'm coping and sleeping very well. Only, now my battles are in other areas.
I may not be talking/ blogging about the battles, but they are present.
Amanda, I'm so glad you get it.
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