I am oh so thankful for "Aha Moments"
What have you been hearing, but have repeatedly ignored?
Back story
So, I'm still reading "As a Woman Thinketh" By James Allen (same as "As a Man Thinketh"). Anyway, much of what I read mirrors The Secret. Now, I remember being told to read The Secret back in 2005 by a chick I was suing (go figure). I remember thinking that she was a pompous arse who wanted to stick it to me with her holier than though stance.
How wrong I was!
Clearly, she was not my messenger.
This seemingly "delayed activity mindset" is the same thing that irks me about giving people "advice".
I would purchase books for people; they'd never read them.
I'd create wonderful cd's, they never listen.
So what gives?
Is there a carrot in your ear?
Was/ Is there a carrot in my ear?
What else have I heard repeatedly, yet ignored?
Here's my list.
1. Stay away from dairy. I stay away from regular milk (I do soy), but love ice cream. It's so good going down, but hell to pay an hour later. I love it and don't wanna give it up, so after 5+ years, I'm gonna research lactaid and other things or just stop with the dairy all together.
2. Meditation. My ex was amazing with this. He could do it for hours in one position. I simultaneously envied and admired him for it. I saw how it calmed him. I knew it could work for me but I made excuses; I was lazy; I chose to watch Law & Order. LOL
So, I'm gonna commit to it like brushing my teeth. No meditation, No toothbrush. Period.
3. Exercise. Again, my ex is in AMAZING physical condition- inside and out. His flexibility is the result of martial arts and yoga. He eats so healthy and lives each day like "his body is a temple". He's great.
My exercise - just in time for a fashion show or if I get pissed off. Effective immediately, I'm committing any 3 days/ week to my workout.
4. Hair. I hide behind it. My hair changes often, and when its big, long or curly, I'm usually feeling in the dumps. People tell me all the time to show my face. So I'm cutting it off. Yup. Short. I don't wanna hide any more. So I'll most likely do it this weekend.
Hmm.... What else.
5. Anger. My anger has never been in check. I've had issues dating back to kindergarten when I refused to do any work until I was advanced to 1st grade because I was smarter than the other kindergarten kids. LOL!
I am convinced that my anger, all that pent up rage & frustration that I've held on to for long is what made me bipolar.
How can I say that?
Well, out bodies are chemicals. Chemicals are affected by internal and external stimuli. My chemicals were thrown out of wack by my diet, lack of exercise and consistent negative thinking and actions.
Being hateful will never produce love.
Being hateful produces disease and dis -ease.
The point: I'm gonna start paying attention, and committing to immediate action. This is my life. I'm too blame for success or failure.
This is a very good list. Just a slight dairy intolerance alone can mess up a person a great deal.
I keep falling asleep whenever I try to meditate. Ugh.
You have been so goal oriented lately. I hope you are fulfilled emotionally and obtain what you are trying to achieve. You really are strong person. We will figure out this fucking rage that we struggle with. If you figure it out first make sure you pass it on woman because I sorely need the cure. We will beat it yet.
Later, Ash out…
Lactaid works but it's not that cheap if you eat a lot of dairy. I think it would be great for an ice cream every once in a while. I would recommend it.
I have noticed that much of what I read mirrors The Secret. That is what makes it so great. You can find it everywhere.
Anger is the million dollar question. How do we find a way to not be so angry? What is the magic potion for anger?
I'm too depressed to be angry right now. I am at the "I don't care" stage so nothing really phases me enough. I guess that could be one way. LOL.
But -ter -fly! But -ter -fly!
Yeah maaan!
I'm feeling good; feeling like I really have a chance at beating this thing called bipolar.
My work is far from done, but little victories keep me going as do cyber -motivation.
Thanks a lot guys.
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