Friday, April 20, 2007


I still hate my pdoc.

I am going with severe withdrawal.

I'm sweating like a linebacker and now carry deodorant with me.
I am cramping in my tummy severely.
Too hot so I open the window.
Too cold so I use the space heater.
I'm a cry baby
Think the "s" thing again.
EXTREMELY anxious.
Extreme Fatigue.
Something that feels like sciatica and making me limp.
I need more Seroquel to combat the insomnia.
Some scents makes me wretch.
Laxative and enemas have returned.
HIGH agitation and irritability.
EXTREME Aggression.
Memory Loss. Can't remember sh*t.

I hate her for real.


Amanda said...


This just sucks. :(

ashmc2 said...

Weird how until you know what a word or phrase means it just goes over your head most of the time. You wrote sciatica and I had no clue other than it was a medical term by the context of your sentence. I googled it and enlightened myself to this obvious debilitating and nagging painful condition. I don’t remember ever hearing this term and then butterfly, 10 mins later while reading your blog and half watching VH1’s Charm School, Like Dat talks about it. Unnerving really. Crazy. I just thought that was very uncanny.

Later, Ash out.

Butterfly said...


So I've got the meds, but after going through the withdrawl, not I'm dealing with the meds being reintroduced to my body.

Go figure.