Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Drunken Rage

Remember my drunken last Wednesday?

Well, I went off meds because I knew I would be drinking (no Anna Nicole here). One of the things I found out was that I went into a drunken rage and had Mr. M by the throat, banging his head against a wall because I thought he was trying to talk to some other chick.

Apparently, he recognized that I was "not myself" and was able to calm me down, get me away from everyone and I was ok for a little bit, but then I saw the girl and went over to her.

From what I was told, I threatened to hurt hurt, begged her to test me, and then told her if I saw her near him again, I would wreck her life, and she would have no peace.

A co-worker was present.

Totally ashamed.

No one really knows what I was saying unless the girl told.... damn.

I quit my therapist, but I am gonna look into anger management classes. I guess Mr. M knows for sure now that I'm bipolar and what I can be like off meds and on alcohol. I've since banished him from my life not out of embarrassment, but because I think I like him and I don't want to like him any more.

Truth is, I'm not sure I've learned my lesson.

Today is Wednesday, another event, and another 5 hours worth of opportunities to drink. I'll keep ya posted.


Amanda said...


That's a bear hug for you girl.

ashmc2 said...

LOL, butterfly, you sound just like me the other night at bootlegger’s while on my business. Do you drink mixed drinks? If so, try drinking beer a few outings and see if it is a different drunk. I get stupid on whiskey. Just something to look into. It took me a long time to learn that certain spot where I hold my buzz and stay there without going overboard. I’m not saying that I won’t fuck-up and do doughnuts in the front yard and run into the house again. Ash-wife was real impressed that night. LOL.

Later, Ash out…

Butterfly said...

So, red wine is bad, but Sangria is from Satan.

I don't like the taste or beer, and Vodka is the spawn of satan.

I'll stick with Ameretto Sours and shots of Petron Cafe.