Sunday, April 15, 2007

Dear World:

If you can, can you go to someone else with your issues, problems and drama?

It’s not that I don’t want to care; deep down, I actually want to care, but I just don’t have the time, energy, patience or desire to care or help you out right now.

See, I’m busy dealing with and handling my own sh*t. I know a couple people you can call, but I truly don’t have the desire to pause and get the numbers for you.

I know, I sound really callous, but if you were in my shoes, you’d see what I mean.

I feel like I have an 18 wheeler mack truck racing toward me, with a cliff behind me, and my brain is scattered trying to weigh the pros and cons of moving to the left or right instead of just getting the hell out of the way.

I am preoccupied trying to reclaim my sanity, salvage my self –esteem, and preserve my reputation before my issues leak all over my pink bubblegum world.

I am trying to relate to a family that doesn’t get me, friends that I simultaneously want close and some where on the coast of “behind God’s back”.

I have an amazing job, but I haven’t mastered being successful at work and giving a damn about you. It’s tough to hear this, I know, but at least I’m honest. I didn’t wait until you were ready to give me a kidney and walk down the isle to tell you.

So here’s what you can do while I handle my sh*t:

- Figure out how to handle your own shit instead of depending on me.
- Find a t-doc.
- Adopt a dog or get a foster dog like me
- Write in a journal
- Get a hobby
- Go to confession

Hell, I’m for whatever will keep you away from me so I can handle my sh*t.

Hey, cheer up; you’ll be okay.

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