Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bad Habit vs Bip

Bad Habit:
Sleeping til noon cuz I drank too much
Sleeping til noon cuz i od'd on Seroquel to forget a drunken stupor.

Bad Habit:
Not cleaning cuz I'm busy.
Not cleaning cuz I find comfort in the mess.

Bad Habit:
Checking my purse for my keys.
Checking my purse for my keys 5x and then throwing them onto the floor outside of the door to ensure they aren't left inside because I might forget them and be locked out.

Bad Habit:
Yelling at a driver that cut me off, with the windows up.
Yelling at a driver that cut me off with the windows down and then laying on my horn because they are fundamentally stupid.

Bad Habit:
Rolling my eyes at slow people walking up the stairs in front of me.
Rolling my eyes at slow people walking up the stairs in front of me, then brushing past then hurriedly and rudely and I complain about slow, inconsiderate arseholes.

Bad Habit:
Eating 3 bags of Swedish Fish and enjoying them :-)
Eating 3 bags of Swedish Fish and enjoying them, then taking laxatives cuz I feel guilty about eating an extra bag only because I had a bad day. (more eating disorder)

Bad Habit:
Punching a bf that lied.
Punching a a bf that lied and throwing my Treo at him, ripping a chain of his neck and trying to kick him in the groin.

Bad Habit:
Not answering my phone.
Not answering my phone or checking voicemail because people's voices annoy me.

It's the "why" and the intensity that makes the difference.

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