Monday, July 28, 2008

Inner Gypsie

I've lived in several states in my life, and in several places within each state.

In 2006, my credit report listed 30 residences! Yeah, I know. As much as I would like to say that they are all due to my love of travel or to jobs, they're not. I have perfected "fight or flight". I runaway. When things aren't great where I am, I move, and keep moving.

So, lately, I've been thinking about moving again. Where to? I don't know. Not sure. If I stay in America I was thinking Tennessee or North Carolina. If International, Italy for sure.

Not making any sudden moves right now, but I'm ready for whenever - Uhaul is around the corner and my passport is still valid, too.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You'd love Italy. Plus we could finally get together and hang out at the beach.