So here we go.
My therapy is going well. Hubby suggested that I see her twice a week!
She's great, really supportive, and more supportive-er than any therapist that I have ever had. She's tough with me, she gives me hugs and she is sensitive to my moods and lets me work them out in my own time.
Hubby spoke with my therapist 2 weeks ago. They shared their mutual appreciation and then I got on with my session.
Therapy should be a part of everyone's life; not, just in a crisis, but all the time. Therapy should be more routine than a gynie exam.
Good t-docs are out there. Find one. Keep one.
Gratitude Moment: So thankful for people who devote their life to helping us sort it out.
It's ironic that you just posted about good therapy because i just posted a response to someone's comment on my blog about how I haven't ever found good therapy and my therapy is found elsewhere. I am so encouraged to hear that there are good therapists out there. My pdoc is really pretty much just as great as any therapist i could dream up, i bragged about her a lot in my recent post. I just wanted to say i'm so happy for you and I totally support you. ;)
Yeah, I actually like my therapist. Hope you find a great obe.
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